so i've got nothing to do. &since i arrived to work at 830 today, i can't leave til 530. SIGHZORS. so i have another 2.5 hours.
so in the next 2.5 hours i'm going to attempt to finish 2 chronicles. i have like. 10 more chapters left. &i will list interesting things i've noticed from 2 chronicles:
>1. israel & judah vacillates between relying on God &idols a lot. i think we do that too. but with us it's more like vacillating between relying on God and relying on ourselves. last year i heard someone say something interesting. we were talking about prayer requests. &she said "pray that i'll finish my essay tonight!! it's due tomorrow!" &then a few minutes later "actually, nah, don't pray about that, i know i'll finish it" i think that surprised me a lot because i've grown up with the mentality that i can pray for everything! &that in the easy, hard, little, or big things, i can always go to God. hmm but yeah that was interesting.
>2. pride is scary :O. there were so many kings that started off all humble. willing to listen to the counsel & advice of godly men even when it was against what they had intended to do. &then they prosper because they're following God. but then! they get prideful as they start prospering. &they end up not following God anymore. i guess sometimes it's harder to follow God in the good times because we get so caught up in how smooth everything is going.
this is a good verse to sum up a bunch of the kings' reigns: But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the L
ORD his God (2 chronicles 26:16)
>3. prophets. being a prophet sounds quite cool. you get to hear directly from God & you get to have a message for the people. but it's also kind of scary. nobody likes you & your life is always at risk. kind of sounds like the typical life of a christian in a nonchristian country like pakistan huh.
okay. i have 3 chapters left. i guess i shall finish it at home. YAYY I GET TO GO HOME FINALLY :) GBYE