Showing posts with label christine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christine. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2009

do you catch my drift

disclaimer: anthony's blog doesn't let me write comments. so i'm posting my long comment here. :) don't read it, unless you're anthony. well you could. it just won't benefit you much. & i don't know, maybe it'll offend you. ;)

don't spam comment me. actually i'm just going to disable it. haha.

haha you should just read my post. but ill summarize it slightly here. or address more what you wrote.

i said privilege because really we are in a way.

we're lucky to have our religious freedom. &we really don't appreciate it enough. we don't treasure it. & i don't think it's a "oh they should have religious freedom" thing either. because honestly, look at where that's gotten us. we've become spiritually weak & immature. while those who are suffering, i seriously hear way too many amazing stories of people seeing the glory of God in the midst of their sufferings. i would never dare to pray that God take away their sufferings. because i know that God works such glorious things through their sufferings. it'd be like asking God to reveal His glory less to &thru them.

but by knowing that we are privileged. you asked, what can we do? it's not so much a 'let's help them' thing. even though it can be done. but we don't help them in the way the rest of the world may think we should help them: rescue them, fight the north korean govt, etc. we help them through prayer. by doing our part in the body of Christ to grow &to raise awareness of the suffering of others & to encourage & give them hope. to remind us all that we are not of this world, &this world will &does hate us. but our eternal hope is in Jesus. after all, that's what paul does when he hears of the persecution of the thessalonians as can be seen in his letters to them.

&what does it mean to treasure our privileges? i really do think it means taking our relationship with God more seriously. reading the bible everyday. praying everyday. spending time with God everyday. these are the daily activities that hte north korean christians probably wish they could do openly & safely. we have the privilege of doing it openly. of being witnesses for God openly without persecution, yet. to live our faith out loud. to understand that the north koreans are continuing to be christian even though they are being persecuted reveals how great of a treasure we have &how blessed we are to be able to enjoy this relationship without the threat of being executed.

in a way, i really do admire them. envy that they can suffer &yet be so confident in their faith &that they could be such living witnesses of Christ. while we just sit in our comfortable homes, watching tv, playing video games, doing meaningless things with our time.

i think it often takes the suffering of others to make us realize how ungrateful we are towards God. how spiritually dead we are actually. &how they, in their sufferings, have so much more than we do. so in a way they are privileged spiritually.

for me, having privilege doesnt emphasize me at all. at least not in the case of this privilege. i feel that they are privileged spiritually. they have been chosen to suffer for God. how awesome is that. &it is an emphasis on them in that we will pray for them. the emphasis on us will be prayer that we may grow &have the same courage they have. that we may contribute to the body of Christ just as strongly as they have. & that when the times comes for us to be persecuted or suffer, we will have the same faith & courage as they do.

but right now, we're privileged in terms of environment. because we have a chance to work out our faith with greater strength and ease in a comfortable environment. we're privileged in that honestly, if many of the 'christians' in US were taken to north korea, they'd not be christians. we're privileged to have 2nd chances, easier chances almost. but if we don't make the most of these opportunities God has given us, we'll still just be weak 'Christians' shaming Jesus' name. we wouldn't be living a life worthy of our calling.

it's like learning with someone standing behind you with a beating rod. or learning equally as much without it. when we're learning without the beating rod, we're blessed in a different way. but let's make the most of this blessing &learn as much as we can &hopefully even more than if we were to be beat with a rod. (bad analogy, but i'm suppose to be working. ahhahahaha)

alright im done. it's a different privilege, the one im talking about. haha. maybe you'll get it, maybe you won't iuno. haha.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Boring Blogger :[

dear readership,

I apologize that my blogs are not as funny as christine's or anthony's. I also just read mike k-a-f-#-c-k cheng's blog, and it' s WAY cooler than mine :[ ESPP? (epic sober pity party)

Work has been okay. I think earlier this week was way more chill. Now, everyone has deadlines. and on top of the construction, not many people pay attention to me. HEHE ... :X bad worker.

Yesterday at lunch, one of my bosses regaled his 2 sexual innuendo moments to a coworker that just got back from his honeymoon in Spain.

1. the staff recently participated in an anonymous questionnaire. one of the statements was "I feel that my abilities are fully utilized." most people answered "disagree" or "undecided." at the staff meeting, the boss brought this up. he said, "we want all of you to be learning and working etc etc... so if you feel like you have an ability that is untapped, we'd like to, well... -slight pause- tap that." of course, we're all mature people, so we giggle a little. then the other boss, realizing this opportunity, tells our in-house drafter: "okay nick, get on the table."

2. the boss once confused "fist-bump" to be just "fist"... so he said, "I fisted matt..." yeah. you get it.

okay! back to work.

Friday, June 26, 2009

too early..?

But this how the convos went down as we learned about MJ's death..

3:18 PM Christine: bored?
update the blog!
3:19 PM me: i did
michael jackson isnt dead
you lieed to val
3:20 PM Christine: i dint say he's dead!
i said he's in the hospital!
i said my coworkers said hes dead
but he's not!
3:21 PM me: hahaha
on fb everyone is
ohTMZ from yahoo news reported him dead
3:24 PM Christine: ohsnap!
but on cnn he isnt!
me: what
on cnn hes not dead
Christine: Paramedics revived Jackson before taking him to the hospital.
3:26 PM Christine: weird is he dead or not
3:27 PM me: hes not dead
do you trust
or OMGblog
3:28 PM Christine: hahahah that is true.
but it says LA times says so too!
hes in a coma!
accroding to cnn
me: coma means hes not dead
3:29 PM Christine: yeah
3:31 PM me: they changed it
Paramedics needed to revive Jackson before taking him to the hospital, sources said.
Christine: yeah they changd it haha
me: o_O
3:32 PM Christine: LOL
i haer company ppl talking bout it
"i haerd he died!"
3:33 PM me: haha
its all over fb
3:35 PM Christine: OH SNAP
he's dead
3:36 PM me: oh he died
Christine: but its not confirmed by cnn
me: then how did you find out
Christine: Entertainer Michael Jackson has died after being taken to a hospital
on Thursday after suffering cardiac arrest, according to multiple reports including the Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press. CNN has not confirmed his death.
3:37 PM me: well its not confirmed by cnn
3:39 PM dude its kinda sad eh
3:41 PM Christine: yeah it is
4:25 PM me: andrea thinks the radio is going to play mj all day
4:26 PM Christine: sigh probably.
we dont evne nkow if he 's dead
though i think he is
he is!
cnn confirmed!
4:33 PM me: hahaha
today is crazy
4:35 PM so lesson learn today:
OMGblog is more trustworthy than CNN
4:37 PM Christine: LOL yeah right
me: dude
michael jackson just died
3:15 PM Andrea: WHAT?
3:17 PM me:
yahoo says hes dead
3:18 PM but i geuss CNNis better
Andrea: TMZ is fail it's like almost gossip
There was no official confirmation of the reported death and spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment.
3:20 PM me: hahaha
on fb everyone is
Andrea: that's stupid
omg is not credible
its' called OMG.
3:22 PM -_-
me: hahahah
3:23 PM well i was on yahoo
so iw as like
and then
i went to the site
and it was OMGblog
and iwaslike haha
Andrea: ahahhhhhh
3:26 PM he's in coma th o
me: yeah shrugh
but hes revived..
whatever tha tmeans
Andrea: meaning he didn't DIE
but he's in coma. haaha
3:30 PM me: Paramedics needed to revive Jackson before taking him to the hospital, sources said.
Andrea: he doesnt come back from the dead
it just means to get his heart going again
3:31 PM me: which means
he might be dead..
Andrea: he could have died
but he didn't.
me: how dyou know he didnt..
Andrea: ugh whatever
either case is, he's not dead NOW
me: hahaha
find out in 20 minutes
3:35 PM Andrea: he IS dead now
me: according to CNN?
3:36 PM Andrea: yeah.
this is an epic day..
me: wati
its not confirmed by CNN
3:37 PM Andrea: it is..
me: well..
Andrea: jk.
me: it says
Andrea: it's not
3:38 PM me: CNN has not confirmed his death
Andrea: yah ic.
me: so that means
at esdp2.0 we have to play some michael jackson
3:40 PM Andrea: hahaha
jamba break.
4:33 PM Andrea: cnn confirmed
me: hah ayeah
its funny cause we only trust cnn
4:35 PM Andrea: well omg said he was dead before he was
i'd trust ap and la
like, i didn't doubt it.
it was just lame that cnn is slow at getting confirmation.
me: they probably just wanted to be espeically sure
and not have to revoke what they say
4:36 PM cause they have a reputation as being a credible source
vs. OMGblog.. which is like. oh hes dead.
but later on can be like JK!
Andrea: omg blog is fail.
3:28 PM me: yahoo just annoucented that
michael jackson died
Jonny: what the heck??
me: yeah
thats what we're ALL talking about
while your talking abotu dota song on your tf2
6:39 PM me: yoyo
Jonny: hey
jackson died

yeah work = constant cnn updates