Friday, June 19, 2009

we miss our ESDP

Originally we were going to name this blog.. fmywork but we wanted to talk about good things too so that didn’t make sense. Then we shifted to fmyESDP cause work means no ESDP but christine is lame and rejected it…anyway now its just werkadventures..

It’s FRIDAY! Wh00t. When it comes to working.. Friday is like the best day, cause half the time it’s PAYDAY. But I don’t get paid this week cause it was my first week =[ so I have to wait 2 weeks for my first paycheck. SAD.

Anyway some things I like about the working life so far:
-Solidarity with Andrea, Christine and some other working individuals this summer who also have to wake up at 7am and sleep at 11pm. [edit: and get off work at 5pm!]
-Gchat at work. WHOOOT. Talking to Christine, Andrea and Jonny all day at work keeps me sane. I also randomly talk to people who I normally don’t really talk to. That’s cool too.
-The opportunity to take to Val and Mike even though their half way across the world. Work schedule + Gchat = global conversations with Mike and Val.
-No homewerk after hours. Word.
-Making $$ vs. spending. It feels good to know that even minute your in the office you are making some doughhh.
-Looking good for work. Kinda. I think I like looking good and professional. But it makes me realize my lack of good/professional clothing. Dressing up for it is a different matter.

-Both my drives to and from work are against traffic. Sooo its a fairly nice 20-25 minute commute. =]
-I get my own cubicle, computer, work cell phone and the ability to take company vehicles whenever I want. That’s pretttty cool.

One thing though about work… is that it makes me feel like a little kid. Haha. I’m like the youngest in the office and not to mention the only Asian. Everyone else is like mid 30s and white. VERY TYPICAL in project engineering. Anyway, Christine likes to call the people she works with coworkers but it’s weird for me to consider the other engineers here as my coworkers cause it doesn’t feel peer to peer. The other interns here though are pretty cool, but I rarely interact with them cause their stationed throughout the company in different departments. Other people who are working probably yadadaimean. It’ll be an interesting contrast to feeling really old at school next year…

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