Friday, July 31, 2009
excuse me little mama if i may
man God is so good to me! i am seriously so grateful for this internship this year.
i went to visit the department i interned at last year. they still remember me! :) aww. they are so nice. so is my manager for letting me go visit them. aww this company really is nice.
anyway, my manager from last year said that the vp from this year had called him earlier this year to ask about me. &of course my manager from last year said only good things (otherwise i wouldnt be an intern right now lol). but wow. they actually do call up old managers & such! hahaha &i got REALLY lucky, cause apparently the internship program wasn't suppose to go through this year. but i still got the internship. oh man, God is so good.
&hence, i shall not worry about my presentation next thursday. even though my coworkers say that the vp likes to ask a lot of detailed & complex questions during presentations, i shall trust that God will help me through it :) &i think my manager is really good at helping me prepare too.
one more week left!! :)
random fact: did you guys know that mariah carey's song 'obsessed' was written in response to one of eminem's songs: "bagpipes from baghdad"
10 minutes left til the weekend!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
hey young world, i'm the new slick rick.
yepp. just wanted to get that out there.
a-weezy and val-rizzle can say more later.
must be the weed, must be the e
next week the mentors are taking out the interns to a pool hall. haha that should be fun. i believe they are going to challenge us to a game of pool. mentors vs interns. but i have a feeling we're going to lose. we talked about it at fentons, we all suck at pool. haha. oh well, it'll be fun regardless and its free so why not??? apparently pool and beer is the way to go. on a related side note: apparently president obama drinks budweiser...cmonn prez at least have some good taste in beer, maybe he just wants to be relatable with the rest of america.
similar to christine i will have to make a final presentation to the department before i leave for school. im currently working till aug21st and that doesnt look like it will change anytime soon. im still considering working during the school year cause it sounds like alot of the interns here are going to try to do it and i will also have mondays and fridays off so.. we'll see. either way i have at least 3 more weeks of work.
yesterday i after dropping off some interns in berkeley i hung out with a couple of iv people. peopel are always so surprised that im in berkeley, but in reality i live like 5 minutes away so technically i can always be in berkeley. people think berkeley is its own little island and youre either in or not in berkeley, but in reality i travel in nd out of berkkk all the time man. just gotta hit me up. i was just surprised that people were surprised that i was in berkeley...
"anthony's in BERKELEY??" "dude i practically live here"
exciting things in the next few days..
southbay family trip on saturday
baptism on sunday
pool on monday
intern happy hour on wednesday
let the hourglass pass right into ashes
>1. presentation: yesterday i had two presentations! one was for my intern group project. i didn't have to speak for that one. &the second one was a presentation/review of my project with the department vp & directors. now this one i was REALLY scared about. two days before the presentation, i reviewed it with my manager, & he was telling me how, depending on the vp's mood, the vp sometimes totally rips apart the project & can be really blunt. &etc. also, i've read some of the emails the vp sends out to my team. &sometimes he can sound REALLY harsh when he is disappointed. &then the day before, i reviewed it with my mentor. & she told me how the director that she reports to is big on formatting, like having everything capitalized or excel boxes done correctly, etc. ohmygosh i was so scared! but thank God i did really well yesterday ( i think). haha. well the vp & the directors & my manager all said i did a good job. &the vp didn't even say anything bad at my documentation! he was pleased with the layout! ohmygosh, so surprising haha. &when i was speaking, they all listened intently &with really nice faces, not critical; made me feel like i was slightly important ^__^. so i was super happy yesterday :) haha. &the whole time during the presentation, i just kept thinking about exodus 4:11:
The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD?sighh :) i am so grateful i did well. i seriously cannot speak in front of people, esp not in front of vps &directors. soo much grace from God.
>2. 1.5 weeks left: of my internship! ohman. so fast! so since the vp didn't have any criticisms on the layout/format of my documentation yesterday, i have basically no work left for these 1.5 weeks :) well they wanted me to do something on the ppo side but my manager said that i wouldn't have time. so now i am preparing for my final presentation to show my department what i've learned. thisss preparing is fun because i get to play with powerpoint & do fancy little things on it. ^__^ i guess with this presentation, i will have to show off a little bit more about what i've learned to impress them.
>3. fun stuff:
today: after work i'm going to our sunday school teacher's wife's place to hang out with her &some other lovely women :) it will be fun to hang out with the college/young adult girls.
friday: meeting up with timotee to help him with buying stufff....
saturday: two doctor appointments!: dentist/eye doctor to get new contacts. &then, if all goes well, BOILING CRABB :) but i will be missing bible study :( sadness.
sunday: FINALLY meeting up with the besties &will finally see eunice's oh so cute puppy!!!! :)
okay. that is all :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
...he says he got BEEF, well I'mma vegetarian and I ain't ____ scared of him
this is what my daily routine consists of when i walk into work.
get here around 8am.
turn on the computer and monitor.
check outlook for any new messages/assignments.
update daily bypass pumping for one of my projects.
get on gtalk -- start convos with christine, val and jonny.
look at slickdeals and dealnews.
read about the nba and the giants.
cnn if i get bored, cheapassgamer as well.
lunch 12-1pm.
get back on gtalk.
slickdeals again.
random internet convos, surfing.
leave work at 5pm.
all this while working on my projects.
fun stuff. yep work lets me be on top of the latest news and deals.
Monday, July 27, 2009
sweetly broken
anyway this weekend was super fun! i love how my weekends just consist of going to church for all these activities. &i lovee seeing the church kids just always at church with meetings or serving in some way or hanging out with each other :) i like it when church is our second home.
so fridayy, i went to the singles/ couples w/o kids fellowship that my parents are shepherding. &their topic this week was on guy girl relationships/dating/marriage. it was really good! i likes my parents a lot :)
saturday we had bible studyyy &then we had a time of prayer before they broke their fast. &then we ate! & shared fun stories of our weeks/prom stories/nice things the opposite sex did for us. &then we went to downtown disney to watch fireworks. i lost in rock paper scissors so i was the second driver. i had no idea where i was going T_T we got there fine though, since i just followed the other car all the way. but on the way back, we left earlier than the other car & i missed the freeway entrance but good thing someone in my car knew where we were &was able to help us get back onto the freeway from another way.
anyway. THE FIREWORKS WERE SO PRETTTYYY :)! here are some pictures:

going to downtown disney &seeing the little kids being carried in their parents' arms was soo nostalgic for me. i seriously wish i were still 8 & my parents could still take me to disneyland &i could still just fall asleep in the back of the car on the way back with no worries in the world. :) sigh. i miss being a kid. BUT ANYWAY. i think we are going to disneyland. HEHE. one last family disneyland trip before josh & i go up to berkeley. HEHEHEHE. i is excited ^__^
sundayy, we had sunday school &the incoming college freshmen came to join our sunday school for a little bit. there are like 12 or 13 of them. SO CUTE :) two (including my brother) are going to berkeleyyyy HEHE. &then during lunch, my friend eunice & i were eating in the room we were to have our retreat meeting in. &there were these two young girls in the room. one is goign to be in 7th grade &the other is going to be in 6th. they thought i was a senior in hs ^__^ i feel so old now.... &then we had our retreat meeting. &we role played 'sgl &sg member' i got to be sg member & i was a bad sg member. i am planning to rule the world.
&that was my weekend ^__^
next weekend, i will finally get to see my friend's puppy since she FINALLY got it yesterday. yAAAAAAAAY.
you're delusional / you're delusional / boy, you're losin' your mind
i am in studio right now and dont wanna do werrrrrkkkkk.
im just waiting for my instructor to move onto the next group critique, so i can finish before noon and leave, or whatever the hell i need to do. ARG. she's been talking to them for almost 2 hours now. sigh.
maybe this is what we'll do tomorrow too. cuz if that's the case, then i can just... leave and come back tomorrow for another turn.
im so hungryy. i couldnt get up this morning, so i had to just rush to class without so much as a sip of water. maybe i'll go do that after i click "publish post."
on a lighter note, yesterday, at 10am, the hour i would NORMALLY be at church on a sunday morning, i got up and read the bible and had some jesus time. i also finished my jesus book for leaders. go me!
i'll leave you with an awesome epic picture i took at the beach on saturday. lol it cracks me up. it's also on fb.
dang. internet here at school is FAST (like a nascar).
Friday, July 24, 2009
do you catch my drift
disclaimer: anthony's blog doesn't let me write comments. so i'm posting my long comment here. :) don't read it, unless you're anthony. well you could. it just won't benefit you much. & i don't know, maybe it'll offend you. ;)
don't spam comment me. actually i'm just going to disable it. haha.
haha you should just read my post. but ill summarize it slightly here. or address more what you wrote.
i said privilege because really we are in a way.
we're lucky to have our religious freedom. &we really don't appreciate it enough. we don't treasure it. & i don't think it's a "oh they should have religious freedom" thing either. because honestly, look at where that's gotten us. we've become spiritually weak & immature. while those who are suffering, i seriously hear way too many amazing stories of people seeing the glory of God in the midst of their sufferings. i would never dare to pray that God take away their sufferings. because i know that God works such glorious things through their sufferings. it'd be like asking God to reveal His glory less to &thru them.
but by knowing that we are privileged. you asked, what can we do? it's not so much a 'let's help them' thing. even though it can be done. but we don't help them in the way the rest of the world may think we should help them: rescue them, fight the north korean govt, etc. we help them through prayer. by doing our part in the body of Christ to grow &to raise awareness of the suffering of others & to encourage & give them hope. to remind us all that we are not of this world, &this world will &does hate us. but our eternal hope is in Jesus. after all, that's what paul does when he hears of the persecution of the thessalonians as can be seen in his letters to them.
&what does it mean to treasure our privileges? i really do think it means taking our relationship with God more seriously. reading the bible everyday. praying everyday. spending time with God everyday. these are the daily activities that hte north korean christians probably wish they could do openly & safely. we have the privilege of doing it openly. of being witnesses for God openly without persecution, yet. to live our faith out loud. to understand that the north koreans are continuing to be christian even though they are being persecuted reveals how great of a treasure we have &how blessed we are to be able to enjoy this relationship without the threat of being executed.
in a way, i really do admire them. envy that they can suffer &yet be so confident in their faith &that they could be such living witnesses of Christ. while we just sit in our comfortable homes, watching tv, playing video games, doing meaningless things with our time.
i think it often takes the suffering of others to make us realize how ungrateful we are towards God. how spiritually dead we are actually. &how they, in their sufferings, have so much more than we do. so in a way they are privileged spiritually.
for me, having privilege doesnt emphasize me at all. at least not in the case of this privilege. i feel that they are privileged spiritually. they have been chosen to suffer for God. how awesome is that. &it is an emphasis on them in that we will pray for them. the emphasis on us will be prayer that we may grow &have the same courage they have. that we may contribute to the body of Christ just as strongly as they have. & that when the times comes for us to be persecuted or suffer, we will have the same faith & courage as they do.
but right now, we're privileged in terms of environment. because we have a chance to work out our faith with greater strength and ease in a comfortable environment. we're privileged in that honestly, if many of the 'christians' in US were taken to
it's like learning with someone standing behind you with a beating rod. or learning equally as much without it. when we're learning without the beating rod, we're blessed in a different way. but let's make the most of this blessing &learn as much as we can &hopefully even more than if we were to be beat with a rod. (bad analogy, but i'm suppose to be working. ahhahahaha)
alright im done. it's a different privilege, the one im talking about. haha. maybe you'll get it, maybe you won't iuno. haha.
nevermind what haters say, ignore them til they fade away
next week is going to be hecka busy T_T. monday i'm reviewing my presentation for the vp with my manager.
tuesday is reviewing intern project presentation with the Human Capital Team in Minnesota.
wednesday morning is my intern project presentation (though i don't have to present ! =] but i have to get here at 7 am T_T)
wednesday afternoon is reviewing of my documentation project with the vp, the directors, &my manager. i is skurrred. T_T iuno what to say :(
so today i am preparing for that review process. as to what i'm going to say. what section i'm going to walk them through. etc. ughh. scary scary scary.
this weekend shall be quite fun though.
tonight, my parents are speaking on guy-girl relationships at the fellowship for singles/couples w/o kids on the chinese side. ima go listen.
saturday, we have our last bible study, &then we're praying & fasting for the church retreat & leadership, &then we're going to downtown disney to watch fireworks!
sunday, there is retreat leadership meeting &then meeting up with church friends after that for a catch-up session... a wayyy long overdue catch up session.
ohman. i hope i get enough rest this weekend & next week.
you say you got alotta whips, well I got a LOT.
Anyway yesterday I was out of the office cause we had a job walk out in Oakley. Yeah the city of Oakley, but I don't think they are the founders of the sunglasses, they just have the same name. One of our projects is going out to bid soon, it's the one I'm currently working on right now the Fish Screen. Basically they are implementing a fish screen in a canal before one of our pump intakes so we don't end up killing a mass population of fishies. And for the job walk, potential contractors come out and we explain to them the project and let them tour the site (preconstruction) so that they wont be completely confused and know exactly to expect when they bid for the job and do construction out there. Construction projects typically operate by bidding, meaning that the contractor with the lowest bid will get to work on the project, of course they have to ensure that the work will be properly done according to plans and specs and they are other stipulations they must pass such as having a high credit surety. Anyway back to the point, there were about 25 contractors or so that came so we got a bus for the short tour, so the site wouldn’t have like 50 million cars on it (the owner would have been hella pissed) but the whole time, watching everyone get on and off the bus with their cameras it felt like a high school field trip for grown men. Haha. I was in a separate SUV with my boss cause there wasn't enough space but seriously it was kinda funny cause the guy who was heading the trip, one of the associate engineers here, kept yelling "alrightt everyone into the bus, we're heading to the other part of the jobsite" and then every like 10 minutes of walking we would stop for them to explain something from the plans. Haha. Yep high school field trip for grown men. [I say men cause all the contractors are men, haha everyone in Construction so far has been male--more posts on this topic later]
So the project is basically on the some owner's farm land and basically she hates the fact that we are doing a project on her land but it’s a public project so sucks to be her. I don't think she will get compensated unless she can find evidence that she will lose money while we are doing construction. Out there she has a bunch of cows, at first they were all there sitting lazily in the field mooing to each other randomly. About like 15 minutes into the tour, one of the cows started mooing and then got up and started walking into a grassy patch area (I'm guessing to eat grass), and then all of the sudden all other ones got up and started walking in the same direction. It was like a parade of cows flocking together to go eat. It's strange to me how cows communicate cause seriously, all their moos sound the same.
The project is worth 40 million dollars. Yeah that’s ALOT of money to move some earth and implement a fish screen. And it's all government stimulus money. My supervisor said that if I could design and install it for 20 million, that they'd give me the rest of the 20 million to pocket. So 20 million to go into it and 20 million for me. So… where my crew of engineers at? This could be our time to shine, one hit wonder - never have to work again. Hit me back if you are interested, drop a comment or something. I'll need some geotechs as well, and if you are not an engineer and want to work for me well you can do the construction --haha. And for the record I'll compensate you about 5k more than this article suggests:
Maybe more if you are good at negotiations. But really....
Thursday, July 23, 2009
i'm the press conference, you're a conversation
>2. i gots ice cream cake from my coworker today. it was dericious. :) my appetite has returned for lunch! i is happy ^_^
>3. i'm starting to listen to a series on 1 peter now. since most of the work i get from my coworker is pretty much just mindlessly checking the rates to make sure nothing went wrong. it's quite boring. but at least i get to do something i guess :)
>4. paycheck today. except. taxes went up as my net income goes up T_T they took off 24% for taxes this time. SIGH.
okay i'm bored.
i <3 being an actuary.

dude look at that. complete with color coding, drop down menus, &vlookups. 8] we should do this next year. haha. looks so fancy schmancy. actuaries are fancy schmancy.
so here's a random fact. my mom usually packs my water for me. &lately i think it's been getting hotter & hotter T_T today's water is too hot to drink. i have to let it sit for awhile before i can drink it. :(
yesterday's dinner with church friends was fuuuun. we talked about marriage &about past memories in church &how the leaders that led us when we were in jr high were all married &had cute babies. lol. it is weird to realize that we will all get married some day. esp with church people i think. because i've grown up with them. &we still remember things like girl rivalries in church, which really js consisted of who could get to the front row of sunday school first. which group of girls were picked to do the transparency for worship (ohmygosh we used to use transparencies for worship lyrics, not ppt, so old school). minor hs crushes. cooties &tag. &now like 8 years later, we're so different yet not. &imagining them getting married is like like imagining a brother or sister getting married. weiiirdd. but yet so exciting :) hehehe.
okay back to work.....................
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
rich & famous, i am success
>1. in response to anthony's post. my blog DOES look good. haha. green & pretty. here's a screen shot.

YAHHH so pretty. &i have my documentation project behind it. lol thanks anthony for all the hard work you went through to download it :D
>2. yesterday i went to the boiling crab with coworkers. it is delicious. i got a half pound of shrimp. no one eats shrimp heads. & they were amused that i do. i should probably stop doing that since it is high in cholesterol. haha. the price was decent. my coworkers are quite chill & cool. i think hanging out with them yesterday was a mild version of what going to happy hour with coworkers would be like.
>3. i finished the sermon series on ephesians. &i tried listening to the radio today. but it is blocked at work T_T i guess i might start another sermon series. HMMS.
>4. today after work i will be going to hang out with some church friends for dinner. yay! i am excited :) i think it'll be quite different from yesterday's coworker hang out. hahaha. &then we might go to the prayer meeting if we do not eat way too long. i am excited to hang out with them, since i rarely get to because of work.
>5. lately i've been eating in the cubicle. why? because i want to take only 30 minute lunches so i can leave at 4:30. AND, i've still been having no appetite. so to fool myself into actually eating without feeling like i want to puke, i surf the web & chat while eating. i feel like i am dealing with a 2 year old, and must distract them with toys so they dont notice they are chewing & eating what they didn't want to....SIGH. i hope this morning nausea + loss of appetite goes away soon :(
okay that is all i can think of. i will now go distract myself with random articles to read while i attempt to finish my lunch.
BUT IT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD. << it really doesn't...
Yesterday at work, CHRISTINE GAVE ME A VIRUS. She told me to go to this link and download something for her… and so I did, and then a butt load of pop ups came up and then MY COMPUTER BECAME INFECTED. I panicked for like 5 minutes and then used the majority of my lunch break to research how to get rid of it. Good thing no one was in the office during lunch and that no one can really see my computer else it would have been all bad. But using my tech savy-ness I was able to get rid of it with the company's built in virus scanner. [I HAD TO SCAN LIKE 4 TIMES] Hopefully it's gone. No more going on sketchy websites and downloading random blogspot templates. Christine's template better look good. Haha.
[EDIT]: IT'S NOT GONE. but its better now cause I only get pop-ups every 15 minutes or so...
In other tech news… my phone is dead. Not like battery dead but like SIM card DEAD. What that means is that my phone works perfectly fine, its just that it won't read my SIM card -- so I can't place calls, receive calls or access my address book. I think I'm going to try to get it fixed sometime during this weekend hopefully. Technology sucks sometimes, especially when it they all come bite me in the butt at the same time. Good thing I have my work cell, but I'm supposedly charged for making any personal calls so I'm not giving that number out. Other than that you can reach me on gchat or email me haha.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
i got paradise on call
i have no appetite lately. it is weird :( sigh.
today, i got some work. i am taking my sweet time doing it. that way my manager won't look so upset when i bother him every 5 min. T_T
after work, im going to go to the boiling crab with coworkers. hopefully by then i'll have an appetite.
i changed the template layout on my personal blog. now it is all pretty. i had anthony download it for me. &he got a virus. hahaha. i just stole his post topic. HEHE. but he got rid of the virus, &now i have a pretty layout ! :)
here is my schedule for the next semester:

i shall be fit next year.
Monday, July 20, 2009
me&you can kick it like a field goal
>1. intern hang out on friday was aiite. the part i liked best was driving home at 80 on the freeway to play with my lappytop ^_^
>2. lunch with hs friends yesterday was awesome. took a walk down memory lane. i can't believe how close i use to be with them, one starting from jr high school, the other going all the way back to 5th grade. sigh i miss jr high &high school. it's weird thinking about how old we are. how my brother is going to college & how when they use to call they'd mistake my brother for me because he hadn't gone through puberty yet. hahaha. or how our bball coach & teammates would get some of us confused because we're asian & apparently all asians look the same to non asians.
>3. i still have that weird morning sickness/nausea feeling in the mornings sometimes. esp when i don't get enough sleep & feel super tired in the morning. :( i looked it up online. &apparently a lot of people experience it, but no one knows the reason or a way to get rid of it T_T there are some other more extreme reasons that may be the cause of it.. like pituitary tumors... or POTS... they sound scary T_T
>4. on saturday i went to my optometrist. i am now interested in optometry. haha. they took a picture of the back of my eyes &my optometrist showed it to me & explained to me what was going on. SO COOOL. i shall look into optometry.
looking forward to:
>1. last bible study on saturday & downtown disney on saturday ^_^
>2. wednesday dinner with church friends
>3. church friends hangout on sunday! hopefully i gets to see a puppy. =]
work related:
still no work. but next week is gonna be busy. tuesday, i'll be reviewing my project with the vp & the directors. wednesday is my intern group project presentation at 7 am. east coast people do not realize how early their 9 am is for us T_T &then i must start preparing for the final presentation of what i've done this internship.... lol.
only kinda work related..not really
Oh, Jason Jung, a former EPM student, also assured me that the EPM classes are easy. O_O
One down side I have right now is that I only have 3 classes that I'm for sure taking. One I am looking in to, but I'm up for any suggestions or "fun classes"? One class has to be CEE, I could potentially take another "fun class" to bump my unit count to 16, but it better be pretty enticing.
BTW val is back. HELLOOO. =]
i'm going to fenton's today with the interns after work. ice cream and hot days mix well together.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
back from sweden and finland!
i didnt think i'd miss copenhagen this much...
i see that the webpage design has changed a bit. cool.
here are some pictures from my trip!
this was booze cruise #1
this was an ad on the boat
it is cool because jonathan rhys meyers' shirt completes the perspectival view! i am such a nerd...
this is the buffet on the boat! SO SCRUMPTIOUS.
this church was really cool looking. LOOKIT THAT SKY!
the clouds all over scandinavia were BEAUTIFUL.
squirrels here.. are puny.
this was a modern art museum in helsinki.
isnt this space amazing? i think it's just brilliant.
this church was so pretty and sooooo huge!
landscape of finland outside of the alvar aalto (famous finnish architect) summer/experimental house.
marshy and rainy. yum.
this is a lamp designed by aalto. it's pretttty niftayyy
i think this chapel is beautiful. the light comes in and just lights up a little bit of the building.
all the churches here are less decorated and have this beautiful play on light inside.
this was another church in... finland i think.
so. in stockholm, sweden, there was a museum with an exhibit for ikea cuz.. ikea is swedish.
this is a page out of my sketchbook.
that's a view of the royal area at the old center of the city, and below is the royal treasury.
i think i definitely improved in sketching. but right now, i'm SKETCHED OUT. x___x
Friday, July 17, 2009
this is cute
aww :) chuck swindoll was talking about right relationships in marriage (ephesians 5)Winston Churchill once attended a formal banquet in which the distinguished guests were asked the question, “If you could not be who you are, who would you like to be?”
Everyone was curious as to how Churchill would answer. When his turn finally came, he stood and said, “If I could not be who I am, I would most like to be” and he paused to take his wife’s hand “Lady Churchill’s second husband.”
on a similar note, marriage is jonny's favorite topic.
Boring Blogger :[
I apologize that my blogs are not as funny as christine's or anthony's. I also just read mike k-a-f-#-c-k cheng's blog, and it' s WAY cooler than mine :[ ESPP? (epic sober pity party)
Work has been okay. I think earlier this week was way more chill. Now, everyone has deadlines. and on top of the construction, not many people pay attention to me. HEHE ... :X bad worker.
Yesterday at lunch, one of my bosses regaled his 2 sexual innuendo moments to a coworker that just got back from his honeymoon in Spain.
1. the staff recently participated in an anonymous questionnaire. one of the statements was "I feel that my abilities are fully utilized." most people answered "disagree" or "undecided." at the staff meeting, the boss brought this up. he said, "we want all of you to be learning and working etc etc... so if you feel like you have an ability that is untapped, we'd like to, well... -slight pause- tap that." of course, we're all mature people, so we giggle a little. then the other boss, realizing this opportunity, tells our in-house drafter: "okay nick, get on the table."
2. the boss once confused "fist-bump" to be just "fist"... so he said, "I fisted matt..." yeah. you get it.
okay! back to work.
I will post tooo!
Seems like everyone is hanging out with their co-workers this week, haha i guess thats just how we work people roll. We had two intern hangouts this week, one was the fieldtrip that was organized by the company the other was the intern happy hour. Pretty much last night after work we went to this pub-brewery, EJ PHAIRS, they had some good beer and some good hard cider. Afterwards we walked about the town square a little, explored Concord, the farmers market and the live jazz band they had playing there. it was pretty fun. hella hot in concord.
Today, i think our bosses are taking us out for some deep fried sushi lunch. Apparently it happens every 2 weeks, the construction department and the water resources. Haha free sushi, who can complain. =] After work today, I meeting up with alvin and some hs-church friends, i think we're going to hit up fenton's. y'all should meet us there.
Anywho i do work faster than they expect me to, so i have a lotta down time.
maybe i shall post pictures soon too, of my new shoes and of my dog that everyone's anticipating to see. haha.
this weekend mike will be cutting my hair. please pray for that. o_O"
i post too much
today is a good GOOD day. :) BECAUSE
>1. my laptop shall arrive TODAY. yes TODAY. i ordered it last friday &having it delivered TODAY is amazing since mike told me it'd take 2-4 weeks. i guess lenovo just likes me. :) hehehe
>2. hang out with the other socal interns after work!
>3. my manager is not here today as he is on PTO again so i have no work again. ^_^
>4. i posted on my blog
>5. i am wearing the new converses my brother bought for me in taiwan ^_^

sooo plans for the next half week:
>friday: socal interns hang out
>saturday: bible study + doctor appointments
>sunday: hs friends lunch + church friends hang out
>tuesday: boiling crab with coworkers
>wednesday: dinner with church friends
i haven't done this much stuff ... all summer.
even though i have no work work. i have other side stuff to do. so i shall go do it now. GBYE :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
another picture post!
class plus teacher: (i'm the one on the left with shirt sleeves rolled up)

funny & not so funny
funny: "get better toilet paper."
"make a gigantic slide going from 5th floor to the parking lot."
not so funny:
my coworkers (two guys) were checking out these two girls while we were in line. my other coworker (female) showed me who they were.
me: oh, they look old though? like they're 30.
female coworker: :O i'm 30!
male coworker: she wishes she were 30.
me: *oh snap. must find a hole to crawl into*
hahaha. -_____-;; i thought all my female coworkers were about 25 :( sighzors.
picture post
here is a picture of what the cubicles look like: (the one with balloons is the cubicle of someone with a recent bday)

here is what my work station looks like: pink headfones+edamame+cherries+ginormous bottle of water :)

this is not at my work place. but i think this is so cute! they are slippers (monokuroboo!!!! i like those piggies ^_^ ) &they allow you to sweep your floor while you walk in them ^_^ my mom wears them, & i find them so cute. haha. i want a pair.

that is all :) enjoy.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
good times at work
Monday, July 13, 2009
but today! andrea sent me really cute puppy pictures. i is extremely happy. haha.
this reminds me of last summer when i also looked up puppies at work. &sent them to my coworker who LOVES dogs. so cute! i really really want a puppy T_T my friend is getting one on sunday. and we are going to her house to play with it. YAY!!!!! :)
umm yeah work has been aiites today. no one from church is online because there is vbs this week, &they're helping out. next year, i shall help out with vbs. YAHH! i likes vbs. the little kids are so cute, &it's always fun working alongside friends.
it's only monday, but i'm looking forward to the weekend already! i will actually be doing things this weekend haha. friday lunch will be a coworker birthday lunch. friday, after work, i will be meeting the other two socal interns. iuno what we're going to do yet, but it should be fun. sunday, i will be having lunch with a hs friend &then going to my friend's house to play with her puppy & catch up with people. hehee. i is excited. :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
&the next randomly picked place to eat was a vietnamese pho place ^_^ i was quite happy indeed.
i still have no work ;_;
casual fridays are actually casual for me. jeans + tshirts + sneakers/flipflops. &so i like casual fridays very much. mon-thurs, i actually have to wear business casual. not very fun since it's not as comfortable.
anthony found an excellent deal for us on i am excited to get a thinkpad for much cheaper than i would've gotten. ^______^ &then i must buy a cooling pad, another external HD, &something else that i cannot remember.
Apparently Christine's work's casual Fridays consist of jeans and teeshirts. I highly doubt that it would be allowed here. I think we have too many clients that we have to meet with and you know…. Engineers have to look professional if they want to get the job, or if they want to sell the job. I think the most casual we could probably go is jeans and a polo, but still then they have to be nice jeans and nice polo's and most of the time people would only dress as so if they know they are going to be working out in the field. Jeans and dress shirts are most appropriate for "casual" fridays and sometimes people would try to sneak wear that for a normal weekday, haha.
Last night I went bowling. It was all you can bowl for 10 bucks. Pretty good deal. After 10pm, the lights went off and the gangsta music went up and it became disco bowling. Haha that was fun, it was like having a mini ESDP.
more funnys.
Muhammad ali, when he was at his arrogant heights as the heavy weight champion, got on a plane and sat down in first class and decided he wasn't going to snap on his seat belt. and the flight attendant walked up, very close to take off, and said, "excuse me sir, you need to put on your seatbelt." &he said, "superman don't need no seatbelt." she said,"superman don't need no airplane. snap on your seatbelt, please."
chuck swindoll
it's funnier when you hear it online.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
before i leave
i watched as this guy walked down the aisle by my cube looking at the directors' offices behind me ¬ looking forward.
he nearly walked into the cubicle at the end of the aisle ^_^
he was so close! but then he turned forward and his nose was like a centimeter away from the cubicle &he stepped back in surprise.
that was amusing. aiite im outta here!
hello friends
but anyway! i spent my time well haha. i finished my personal statement essay #2! if you guys want to help proofread it &give me comments, that'd be much appreciated ^_^ i also prepped bible study. drank two bottles of water, so i kept going to the restroom. listened to a bunch of chuck swindoll sermons on ephesians. he is interesting! i like him. read the news. checked email. responded to emails. read people's blogs. &right now, blogging.
so, my income will be going towards many things, like A NEW LAPTOP! :) i will be getting a lenovo thinkpad t400 with many upgrades HEHE. i am excited. &totally looking forward to it. i haven't used a laptop much at home though since i do all i need to do at work anyway. haha.
i like driving to work, because there is usually very little traffic. however, driving home is not always fun. sometimes there is no traffic. sometimes there is terrible traffic. it sucks. T_T so i now try to take short lunches so i can leave earlier and hopefully avoid traffic. it also makes the day go by faster :) 4:30 and 5:00 makes a big difference ^_^
fifteen minutes til i get to go homeeee!
this blog is dying..
christine is too lazy.
tim doesn't get internet at work? or maybe he just doesnt get to surf the web for fun.
same with andrea.
val is swamp'd with summer school over at copen.
and i don't know what to write about anymore.
maybe the next entry will be more interesting... assuming there will be one.
but i don't know. works been good. getting to know the interns here is pretty fun.
we have intern lunches and an intern fieldtrip day coming up soon. =]
after work today imma go bowling.
and this weekend im going kayaking with my cousins. kayaking in the bay that should be pretty cool.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The other interns here are really chill..
Yesterday, two other interns and I met with the General Manager here the company. He seemed to be a pretty knowledgable guy, really smart, entertaining and knows what he's talking about. He gave us his speech about what the company stands for and where he sees it heading in the next couple years. He asked us a few questions like why we're CEE's yada-yada and even gave a plug about ASCE and why it's important for us as professionals to join our respective societies. One thing that was cool though, is that he's a huge Duke fan. It's almost ridiculous. Duke basketball FTW. But I'm thinking if Cal basketball had a program like Duke's I'd be a huge basketball fan too even when I'm running on 50 and making hundreds of thousands a year. Sigh Cal basketball is a joke compared to Duke's, I couldn't even bring it up in conversation cause he shot it down so quickly. Haha, pwnage.
Last week, my dad got a dog from my uncle. For reals. He's a white german shepherd. He's really low key and kinda scared of everything. My dad thinks it’s the new environment, he's probably right. Perhaps I'll post pictures soon, but if you google white german shepherd you'll see what you expect. He's a little more than 1 years old and he's a purebred. White german shepherd pups are really cute so if anyone wants a pup find my dog a girlfriend. The only requirements are that she has to be hot, the same breed and she has to be low maintenance--my dog is cheap. Just think of my dog as a canine version of Sebastian--good-looking, white, aloof, low maintainance, lazy and cheap. Except my dog is hella smart and easily trained. Haha. =]
Good thing Seb doesn't read this blog...
i <3 summer
i am EXTREMELY HAPPY ^_^ because although my company blocks pastor chuck smith's sites, it does not block pastor chuck swindoll's site and john piper's. WHOOT. :) yesterday, i listened to piper's sermon on running the christian race. it was aiiite. pretty good i suppose. i don't know if i learn very well with topical sermons; i zone out &get distracted real easily. but i really like topical sermons with a heavy emphasis on scripture expositing. so i have started listening to swindoll's exposition on ephesians. HEHEHE.
as for my projects, i am done with the ppt slides i'm responsible for for my intern project. &for my department project, i am editting it. hopefully i can ask to be done with this project soon........ it is not very interesting. i am waiting for my manager to go back to his desk so i can ask him some questions.
as for the other miscellaneous things i do at work:
-chat with the other socal interns in my company
-read a chapter or two of 2kings.
-think about/write my personal statements
-&sometimes blog :
okay, i guess i shall go bother my manager now.
Friday, July 3, 2009
welcome to the good life.
also yesterday i didnt bring in lunch.. cause i was too lazy to make myself some the night before. but during lunchtime my boss was like, "hey you want go eat with us" and i guess all the senior staff eats lunch together every other week on friday and they started inviting the interns. so i went with them to this sushi house--it was pretty good, they kept giving us free rolls on the house, even though we already ordered a million rolls. the best part was.. that i didnt have to pay. hahaha yeah i like it when things work out =]
and now today is friday and it's a holiday... no werkkkk double woot!
in the words of christine: i is a happy camper
Thursday, July 2, 2009
so what we gonna have, dessert or disaster?
i am thankful for:
-paid holiday ^_^
-being allowed to leave at 3 pm today
-finishing a draft of my statement of intent
-not having to eat lunch by myself if i don't want to
-other socal interns to chat with instead of paying attention to webinars (seminars through the web)
-being able to finish 1 kings.
i've realized that seeing people eat lunch by themselves in a cafeteria makes me sad. esp if they're older. i don't know why. :( but then, i don't mind eating by myself at all. i liked doing it last summer when i'd bring a book to read.
anyway, two more hours til i get to leave :) yay!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
1.5 hours till freedom..
1. I realize that when people say "Hey how's it going?", it's typically nice to respond to their question. Haha. At first, I used to just respond by say, "Hey, what's up?" or with another question but I realize that when I ask first, the convo would go.. "Hey how's it going?" "Good, how is yourself?" and that is probably the more proper way to respond, instead of ignoring their question with another question..
2. Having things to work on makes my day go faster. And it makes me feel less guilty when filling out my time sheet. Haha =]
3. When things (contract plans, specs book, etc) are said to be 95% done, they are actually only like 80% done.
4. There are 4 other interns here in my building, 1 in the engineering department (I'm in construction management), 2 in the planning division, and 1 in the water division.. There is also another construction intern but he is out on the project site. Working with them makes my day go faster and work more fun. We have a "save energy" project that we're working on together. It's been pretty fun. I'm pretty chill with 2 of the other interns, the other 2 are pretty MIA.
5. There are quite a few Cal alumns here. All the interns are from Cal or will be going to Cal for CEE grad school. The president here is from Duke and he likes to make fun of Cal people. He thinks Duke is a better school, I'll just reassure him that they just have a better basketball team. 6. One of my superiors, likes to make fun of Cal grads as well. Haha. We were working on our energy project, looking for the best place to put reminder posters up and he sees us and asks what we're doing and then says, "It takes two Cal grads to find the best spots for posters eh?" Haha maybe Cal people just like sticking together or maybe Cal just does a good job teaching people about community. =]
7. When it comes to CM/EPM the only thing that’s helped from school is cost estimating, the majority of the other stuff I've had to learn on the fly. Work work is very different than school work.
8. Engineering Construction is really 95% men. The other 5% are the EC Admins, and they are all females. It's also 95% white as well. I make up the other 5%.
9. Cubicles make work life very quiet and private.
10. Not really something I learned.. But something cool: I get to keep all my safety gear. Hardhat, gloves, safety vest, safety sunshade glasses, and my $132 hardtoe safety boots. =] I guess it would be kinda gross if they re-used it. Now if only I get to keep my work cell phone…hahaha
Sighzor. The internet went down today at work again…why does this keep happening? Apparently it doesn't happen very often.. Just two times already in my 3 weeks of work. Also I watched Transformers last night, it was good but it made me lose 1 hour of sleep. Now I'm at work--sleepy. =/ Lunchtime nap in my car is in consideration…other than that… sleeping at 11pm and waking up at 7am isn't as bad as I imagined it to be… its only really bad on Mondays cause my weekend sleep schedule is skewed.
reply letter to olivia
Dear Olivia,
Today was my first day of class. It was actually really chill. I haven't met any of my instructors yet--only the staff people who are our go-to peoples when we have any questions etc.
After our first lecture on the history of Copenhagen (actually, they pronounce is ker-ben-ha-oon, spelled københavn), we got to go on a boat tour! Here are some pictures:
this is a view of copenhagen from the boat tour.
and so is this...
this is how tight the fit was for our boat to get through the bridge
mmm i dont really have any fun anecdotes to tell you...
so i'll tell you something interesting about the harbor instead!
at the harbor, there are these bath areas where people go to swim around on nice days like today.
yer not supposed to just jump into the river/canal/water whatever it is whenever you please because of safety reasons (uh.. there are boats?), but people do it anyway. them danes can be such rebels.
also. i saw a dude with a group of people (i think his family) but he was NAKEYYY! everyone on my boat gasped in terror. it was quite funny.
i randomly talked to some guy from morocco today at the grocery store. olivia, you have no idea how lucky you are to be in england where the groceries are still in english. it took us forever to figure out which carton was milk, what cheese we were looking at, what strawberry is in danish, etc etc. but back to my story. this guy from morocco randomly started talking to me, and i couldnt understand him. finally, i understood he was asking me what my name was and that his was hamid. then i learned he was from morocco (thus explaining his comment "dark-skinned"). then, weirdest part of all was when he asked me "club night? cafe?" WHAT? i think he was asking me if i was going to go clubbing. i was really confused. and that is the end of my sad boring little grocery encounter with a moroccan. he even called out to me and said good-bye when i reach the end of the block as i was leaving the store with my friend.
okay. that is all.
[heart] val