anyway this weekend was super fun! i love how my weekends just consist of going to church for all these activities. &i lovee seeing the church kids just always at church with meetings or serving in some way or hanging out with each other :) i like it when church is our second home.
so fridayy, i went to the singles/ couples w/o kids fellowship that my parents are shepherding. &their topic this week was on guy girl relationships/dating/marriage. it was really good! i likes my parents a lot :)
saturday we had bible studyyy &then we had a time of prayer before they broke their fast. &then we ate! & shared fun stories of our weeks/prom stories/nice things the opposite sex did for us. &then we went to downtown disney to watch fireworks. i lost in rock paper scissors so i was the second driver. i had no idea where i was going T_T we got there fine though, since i just followed the other car all the way. but on the way back, we left earlier than the other car & i missed the freeway entrance but good thing someone in my car knew where we were &was able to help us get back onto the freeway from another way.
anyway. THE FIREWORKS WERE SO PRETTTYYY :)! here are some pictures:

going to downtown disney &seeing the little kids being carried in their parents' arms was soo nostalgic for me. i seriously wish i were still 8 & my parents could still take me to disneyland &i could still just fall asleep in the back of the car on the way back with no worries in the world. :) sigh. i miss being a kid. BUT ANYWAY. i think we are going to disneyland. HEHE. one last family disneyland trip before josh & i go up to berkeley. HEHEHEHE. i is excited ^__^
sundayy, we had sunday school &the incoming college freshmen came to join our sunday school for a little bit. there are like 12 or 13 of them. SO CUTE :) two (including my brother) are going to berkeleyyyy HEHE. &then during lunch, my friend eunice & i were eating in the room we were to have our retreat meeting in. &there were these two young girls in the room. one is goign to be in 7th grade &the other is going to be in 6th. they thought i was a senior in hs ^__^ i feel so old now.... &then we had our retreat meeting. &we role played 'sgl &sg member' i got to be sg member & i was a bad sg member. i am planning to rule the world.
&that was my weekend ^__^
next weekend, i will finally get to see my friend's puppy since she FINALLY got it yesterday. yAAAAAAAAY.
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