>1. in response to anthony's post. my blog DOES look good. haha. green & pretty. here's a screen shot.

YAHHH so pretty. &i have my documentation project behind it. lol thanks anthony for all the hard work you went through to download it :D
>2. yesterday i went to the boiling crab with coworkers. it is delicious. i got a half pound of shrimp. no one eats shrimp heads. & they were amused that i do. i should probably stop doing that since it is high in cholesterol. haha. the price was decent. my coworkers are quite chill & cool. i think hanging out with them yesterday was a mild version of what going to happy hour with coworkers would be like.
>3. i finished the sermon series on ephesians. &i tried listening to the radio today. but it is blocked at work T_T i guess i might start another sermon series. HMMS.
>4. today after work i will be going to hang out with some church friends for dinner. yay! i am excited :) i think it'll be quite different from yesterday's coworker hang out. hahaha. &then we might go to the prayer meeting if we do not eat way too long. i am excited to hang out with them, since i rarely get to because of work.
>5. lately i've been eating in the cubicle. why? because i want to take only 30 minute lunches so i can leave at 4:30. AND, i've still been having no appetite. so to fool myself into actually eating without feeling like i want to puke, i surf the web & chat while eating. i feel like i am dealing with a 2 year old, and must distract them with toys so they dont notice they are chewing & eating what they didn't want to....SIGH. i hope this morning nausea + loss of appetite goes away soon :(
okay that is all i can think of. i will now go distract myself with random articles to read while i attempt to finish my lunch.
1 comment:
Christine, I found out on WebMD what you might have o_O.
Hahhaa jk. Don't hurt me.
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