Tuesday, August 4, 2009

4th to last day

i've got nothing to do this week! haha. i'm done prepping for my presentation. i will prep more tomorrow, since tomorrow is much closer to my presentation day (thursday) than today is. :)

today, for lunch, i went to eat with my coworker and manager from the department i was in last year. they are so nice! &i've realized that it is much easier talking to them about like. religion i guess. since they knew that i am a pk. so it came up easily. i really liked my department from last year. i think if i do come back to work for this company, i will hope to work in that department :) just because they are so nice! but at the same time, i'm not sure, because the current department i'm working in has many actuaries and so they could give me advice on actuary tests &such. but we shall see!

i've realized that i really like nice people ^__^

1 comment:

Andrea said...

dude christine, stop lying to people, youre NOT a pk!! haha. you EK.