Saturday, August 8, 2009

im the hottest twigga in the hood

THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO STILL HAVE TO WORK UNLIKE CHRISTINE WHO IS DONE. (actually, i'm guilty of being done soon. tomorrow at 9am, to be exact. :D)

kid: hey mommy! i want ice cream!
parent: not now, tommy. it's closed.
kid: but i want it now! MAKE IT OPEN!

youth by basin: lalalala... man that kid is annoying. but i sho' would like some ice cream righ' now too.

diver: lookit me! i'm such a graceful diver!
spectator in background: i wonder if that guy knows there's a huge-ass jellyfish in there... i sho' ain't gonna be the one to pee on that sting.

sunbather: ahhhh... sun. this awful sock tan better be half gone when i'm done here.

yes. this is my model. i contemplated including a fat cat in it as well... but that would've been too tiny. the scale of the model makes each person roughly 1.8cm tall... MAX. so.. yeah.. they're pretty tiny.

1 comment:

Mike Cheng said...

I like! You have earned best friend status again.