Monday, June 22, 2009

I actually read this finally!

hi everyone, sorry I haven't actually blogged. it's actually pretty hard for me to blog AT work because we have no cubicles... just 10 ppl in the office + me, and a lot of desks. huge desks, because we have really big drawings of buildings that we always spread out. but yeah, sorry, I will be a lame blogger with no real at work blogs.

but this blog is pretty funny. I am so amused. so I did go to LA this past weekend. and as most of you know, it was quite eventful. I DID indeed hang out with christine, but we didn't get to hit up life plaza and take cue pictures as I had originally wanted :/ oh well. I learned that God is amazing instead. haha.

but yeah! I plan on going back to work on wednesday... yayz! I will join your sleep patterns soon!

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