Thursday, July 16, 2009

funny & not so funny

today we had an ice cream social for the building. they asked for suggestions to improve the work place.
funny: "get better toilet paper."
"make a gigantic slide going from 5th floor to the parking lot."

not so funny:
my coworkers (two guys) were checking out these two girls while we were in line. my other coworker (female) showed me who they were.
me: oh, they look old though? like they're 30.
female coworker: :O i'm 30!
male coworker: she wishes she were 30.
me: *oh snap. must find a hole to crawl into*
hahaha. -_____-;; i thought all my female coworkers were about 25 :( sighzors.


J said...

LOL is stef 30 too?

xtineyyy said...

haha no. she's like... 25 i THINK. i will not ask. hahahaha