Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The other interns here are really chill..

Yesterday, two other interns and I met with the General Manager here the company. He seemed to be a pretty knowledgable guy, really smart, entertaining and knows what he's talking about. He gave us his speech about what the company stands for and where he sees it heading in the next couple years. He asked us a few questions like why we're CEE's yada-yada and even gave a plug about ASCE and why it's important for us as professionals to join our respective societies. One thing that was cool though, is that he's a huge Duke fan. It's almost ridiculous. Duke basketball FTW. But I'm thinking if Cal basketball had a program like Duke's I'd be a huge basketball fan too even when I'm running on 50 and making hundreds of thousands a year. Sigh Cal basketball is a joke compared to Duke's, I couldn't even bring it up in conversation cause he shot it down so quickly. Haha, pwnage.

Last week, my dad got a dog from my uncle. For reals. He's a white german shepherd. He's really low key and kinda scared of everything. My dad thinks it’s the new environment, he's probably right. Perhaps I'll post pictures soon, but if you google white german shepherd you'll see what you expect. He's a little more than 1 years old and he's a purebred. White german shepherd pups are really cute so if anyone wants a pup find my dog a girlfriend. The only requirements are that she has to be hot, the same breed and she has to be low maintenance--my dog is cheap. Just think of my dog as a canine version of Sebastian--good-looking, white, aloof, low maintainance, lazy and cheap. Except my dog is hella smart and easily trained. Haha. =]

Good thing Seb doesn't read this blog...

1 comment:

Grace said...

Everything after "find my dog a girlfriend" made me LOL. =) I also didn't know white german shepherds existed.