Thursday, July 23, 2009

i'm the press conference, you're a conversation

>1. TODAY! we had a fire drill. this is no fun when you are on the 5th floor. at the rate we made our way to 1st floor, we'd all be dead if it weren't just a drill. T_T

>2. i gots ice cream cake from my coworker today. it was dericious. :) my appetite has returned for lunch! i is happy ^_^

>3. i'm starting to listen to a series on 1 peter now. since most of the work i get from my coworker is pretty much just mindlessly checking the rates to make sure nothing went wrong. it's quite boring. but at least i get to do something i guess :)

>4. paycheck today. except. taxes went up as my net income goes up T_T they took off 24% for taxes this time. SIGH.

okay i'm bored.


Grace said...

This is becoming like your blog, Christine. Haha.

I see you decided to stick with the religious studies class? Woo hoo! =)

J said...

im gonna be on the 29th floor. gooooood byeeeeeee to meeeeee (as michelle branch would sing) if a fire hits.