Monday, July 20, 2009

only kinda work related..not really

Recently at work I've been doing some class scheduling stuff cause I don't know, lots of time, computer--internet, why not? Plus Eric's new prespace website (which would be better if it showed you your schedule on the side while you choose classes but no complaints) and every one else's mass telebears schedule coming up so really why not? Anyway I only need 24 units to graduate so that’s 12 a semester which is considerably less than the 16 I've been averaging the past 4 years at Cal. Also I realized that all my EPM classes are Tues/Thurs so that means I have no MWF next semester o_O, the only sucky part is that it starts at 8am and goes to 5pm with two 1.5 hour breaks (one for lunch and I guess the other for napping). But hey four day weekends why not? The BEST part about my potential schedule next year is that I ONLY HAVE ONE FINAL. That is freakin' unheard of, especially in ENGINEERING and what the heck GRAD SCHOOL? I'm starting to dig this grad life already -- 4 day weekends, 4 classes and 1 final.

Oh, Jason Jung, a former EPM student, also assured me that the EPM classes are easy. O_O

One down side I have right now is that I only have 3 classes that I'm for sure taking. One I am looking in to, but I'm up for any suggestions or "fun classes"? One class has to be CEE, I could potentially take another "fun class" to bump my unit count to 16, but it better be pretty enticing.

BTW val is back. HELLOOO. =]

i'm going to fenton's today with the interns after work. ice cream and hot days mix well together.

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